Wednesday, February 25, 2009

From the Director

There has been a flurry of activity going on this week. Above you can see the orange cones and a red line marking the outline of the proposed museum building, evidence that the Contractor is making serious inroads in this parking lot!
Everyone is working so hard to make this dream come true. Today the Budget/Finance committe met; earlier in the week the Executive Committee reports included a focus on fundraising, event planning, and revision of the by-laws.
Yesterday a small group of museum volunteers spent the day putting the North County Times photos (copies, actually) in frames in preparation for the next exhibit "Rancho Bernardo Through the Lens." We hope it will open in another week.
Another milestone is the printing of the Rancho Bernardo Memories book. It is now available for sale at the museum.
Please check back again soon as I expect to be posting more regularly. We always welcome your comments and questions.