Friday, February 15, 2008

From the Director

Last year the RBHS received over 500 photographs from the North County Times. The Escondido DAR offered to take on this project of rehousing and organizing the collection. Today Marge and I finished two interesting topics: fires and health. I entered the photo numbers,the date, the name of the photographer, and a description in the computer file and Marge numbered each one and then put the photo in a sleeve and then into a binder. In looking back over the fire photos, we realized that fires in our community happened about every three years. We saw evidence of the Black Mountain Fire, one blaze near Lake Hodges, and then there was an attic fire in a house. All devastating, of course, but a reminder that the fires of 2003 and 2007 weren't the first to touch Rancho Bernardo.


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